Mālama Hawaiʻi Partners

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Waimea Valley is looking for individuals and groups to volunteers to help with a variety of tasks in the Valley. Tasks include activities such as weeding, invasive species removal, cultural site maintenance, facilities maintenance, and native forest restoration.[...]
To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.[...]
Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible horsemanship opportunities and learning experiences to our community’s youth, and to cultivate employment opportunities for our community at large. To perpetuate this mission, we have created over 100 jobs as well as with multiple youth programs. Our Scholarship program has flourished, and our Work-Ride-Trade Program & Volunteer...[...]
Our mission is to protect and save the lives of Maui’s animals, accepting all in need, educating the community, and inspiring respect and compassion towards all animals.[...]
Our goal is to protect and enhance the natural beauty of these lands while developing sustainable recreational, agricultural and aquacultural enterprises that are compatible with the environment. All tours and commercial activities enable Kualoa to keep the lands undeveloped so that future generations will be able to enjoy them as well. We truly care about...[...]
Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative (HLRI, Legacytrees.org) is a non-profit organization founded in 2014 that works to preserve economically viable and sustainable endemic/native Hawaiian forests, protect Hawaii’s endangered species, sequester carbon, and recharge watersheds. We are witnessing the rebirth of the endemic/native Hawaiian forests. The forests provide critical habitat for some of Hawaii’s rarest birds and...[...]
Redline Rafting, nestled in the heart of Kīhei, is a mindful adventure rafting company that places eco-friendly and ethically-driven practices at the forefront of our mission. Our commitment to ecological sustainability, ethical principles, energy efficiency, and waste reduction guides our every endeavor. At Redline Rafting, our passion is to surpass the expectations of every cherished...[...]
The Friends of Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the mission of protecting and invigorating the Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden created for the purposes of: Raising funds to help support the purposes and goals of the Garden. Working with government officials, NGOʻs and other interested parties to...[...]
A) Native Hawaiian Philanthropy (NHP) will empower native Hawaiian communities with the resources and support to improve the socio-economic conditions of NHO (Native Hawaiian Organizations) and our lāhui. B) Increase active participation, engagement and understanding of native Hawaiian and Hawaiʻi BIPOC communities with philanthropic funders and organizations. ​C) Support culturally-grounded projects and organizations that help...[...]
We are a female owned and led marine wildlife tour operator, taking up to 6 passengers on a 3-6 hour tour along the west Oahu coastline. We might see different species of whales and dolphins, reef fish, Hawaiian green sea turtles, whale sharks, the Hawaiian monk seal, pelagic birds etc.. We do not seek volume...[...]
Uluhaʻo o Hualalai is a small non-profit started with the Duarte ʻOhana to care for the wahi pana of mauka Hualālai. We are operating with a small staff dedicated to foster Kona ʻohana in this special place while engaging in stewardship opportunities and honoring natural and cultural protocol. [...]
The Waikōloa Dry Forest Initiative was formed in 2011 to protect, promote, and restore a native Hawaiian dry forest. After years of grassroots advocacy in the community and collaboration with the Waikōloa Village Outdoor Circle, the Waikōloa Dry Forest Preserve was established to protect many of the remaining native trees in the region. Since then,...[...]
When the USS Missouri was in commission, there were 2,500 Sailors maintaining the ship. Today, there are less than 25 maintenance staff working on the ship. We are pleased and grateful that you are interested in volunteering your time and effort in order to help restore and preserve one of the world’s most famous battleships.[...]
This 400-year old royal Hawaiian fishpond, Loko Iʻa Pāʻaiau, located in the Kalauao ahupua‘a in the ‘Ewa moku on the mokupuni of O‘ahu, is a beautiful reminder of the peace, healing, and lōkahi Hawai‘i once had. It was home to Mo‘i Wahine Kalanimanuia, who reigned peacefully over the island of O‘ahu in the 1400s. This...[...]
KAʻEHU is a nonprofit organization with the goal to restore the land and perpetuate traditional Hawaiian culture using a community-based, inclusive, family-oriented approach to environmental stewardship and sustainable agriculture. Our MISSION STATEMENT is to1)Promote the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of the land area and natural resources at Kaʻehu Bay2)Utilize the land and natural resources, in...[...]
This organization is currently undergoing management changes and will resume activity soon. Ohia Ridge Farm is a 41-acre sustainable agricultural property at a 3300’ elevation on the slopes of Mauna Kea, located just below historic Umikoa Village and adjacent to the Hamakua Forest Reserve on the island of Hawaii. We grow native Hawaiian plants and...[...]
The Sewing Hui is a dedicated group of volunteer sewists and craftspersons who give their time generously to the Maui community. It is made up of residents and visitor-volunteers. The Sewing Hui’s mission is to help our community by donating hand-sewn items to organizations and groups in need across Maui. It is our hope that...[...]
Maui & Big Island Hawaiʻi Wildlife Fund has roots on both Maui and the Big Island (Hawaiʻi Island), although its work now extends statewide and into the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) Marine National Monument. Since 1996, HWF has supported outreach education on marine life conservation through naturalist training programs, student projects and internships. HWF’s projects...[...]
ʻĀina Hoʻōla Initiative is dedicated to restoring and stewarding Hawai’i’s wetlands and loko iʻa (traditional Hawaiian fishponds). At Lokowaka Pond complex in Hilo, we work alongside the community to revive native ecosystems, protect endangered and threatened species like the ʻalae keʻokeʻo (Hawaiian coot) and nēnē (Hawaiian goose), and reconnect people to the ʻāina (land). Through...[...]
Our goal is to cultivate cultural and ecological connectivity for all. The Olowalu Cultural Reserve is open for schools and other educational organizations to come and learn about the environment and the culture of the Native Hawaiian land and practices. Our team works hard to create a learning environment for people of all ages to...[...]
Hawaiʻi Environmental Restoration (HER), our 501(c)(3) was established in January of 2019 following 5 years of service under the umbrella of Mālama O Puna nonprofit based in Pahoa. Our mission is to preserve Hawaiʻi’s unique cultural and biological resources through environmental restoration and through education. The spiritual mission of our organization is to inspire people...[...]
The mission of the Molokaʻi Land Trust is to protect and restore the land, natural and cultural resources of Molokaʻi, and to promote, educate, and perpetuate the unique Native Hawaiian traditions and character of the islands for the benefit of the future generations of all Molokaʻi, particularly Native Hawaiians.[...]
Keālia Pond NWR is a hidden wetland treasure transitioning the urban development and agriculture fields.  Here, endangered Hawaiian waterbirds are protected and go about their daily activities, and are joined by migratory birds in winter.  Quiet solitude for those that wander and explore the wetlands. The protected wetland is home to the endangered ae‘o (Hawaiian stilt) and ‘alae ke‘oke‘o (Hawaiian coot), providing...[...]
In the 1920’s, two brothers, Eldon and Afton Coon, built a fishing boat in Port Townsend, WA, and set sail for Alaska. They eventually settled in the towns of Sitka and Ketchikan. Both married, raised families, and continued the Coon Brother tradition. But it was Eldon who carried on the family’s wanderlust. Operating a successful...[...]